Mastering NextJs Router to Match Forms: A Step-by-Step Guide
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Mastering NextJs Router to Match Forms: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you tired of struggling with routing in NextJs? Do you want to create seamless form submissions that match your application’s routing perfectly? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll take you through the process of using NextJs router to match forms, making your application more efficient and user-friendly.

Understanding NextJs Router

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of matching forms with NextJs router, let’s quickly review what NextJs router is and how it works.

NextJs router is a built-in router that allows you to navigate between pages in your NextJs application. It provides a way to define routes, handle client-side routing, and generate static sites. With NextJs router, you can create routes using the `pages` directory, where each page is a separate route.

How NextJs Router Works

Here’s a high-level overview of how NextJs router works:

  • pages directory: This is where you define your routes. Each file in this directory is a separate route.
  • getStaticProps: This method is used to pre-render pages at build time. It returns an object with props that will be passed to the page component.
  • getServerSideProps: This method is used to pre-render pages on the server-side. It returns an object with props that will be passed to the page component.
  • useRouter: This hook provides access to the router object, which allows you to navigate between pages programmatically.

Setting Up NextJs Router for Form Submissions

Now that we’ve covered the basics of NextJs router, let’s set up our router to handle form submissions.

Create a Form Component

Create a new file called `Form.js` in your `components` directory:

  <input type="text" name="name" />
  <input type="email" name="email" />
  <button type="submit">Submit</button>

Define the Route

Create a new file called `submit.js` in your `pages` directory:

import Head from 'next/head';

const SubmitPage = () => {
  return (
        <title>Form Submission</title>
      <h1>Form Submission</h1>
      <Form />

export default SubmitPage;

Configure NextJs Router

In your `next.config.js` file, add the following configuration:

module.exports = {
  //... other configurations ...
  async routes() {
    return [
        path: '/submit',
        page: '/submit',

Matching Forms with NextJs Router

Now that we have our form and route set up, it’s time to match the form submission with the NextJs router.

Using the `useRouter` Hook

In your `Form.js` file, import the `useRouter` hook and use it to navigate to the `/submit` route when the form is submitted:

import { useRouter } from 'next/router';

const Form = () => {
  const router = useRouter();

  const handleSubmit = (event) => {

  return (
    <form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
      <input type="text" name="name" />
      <input type="email" name="email" />
      <button type="submit">Submit</button>

Alternatively, you can use the `Link` component from `next/link` to create a link to the `/submit` route:

import Link from 'next/link';

const Form = () => {
  return (
      <input type="text" name="name" />
      <input type="email" name="email" />
      <Link href="/submit">
        <button type="submit">Submit</button>

Handling Form Submissions with NextJs Router

Now that we’ve matched the form submission with the NextJs router, let’s handle the form submission on the `/submit` route.

Using `getServerSideProps`

In your `submit.js` file, use the `getServerSideProps` method to handle the form submission:

import { useState } from 'react';

const SubmitPage = () => {
  const [formData, setFormData] = useState({});

  return (
      <h1>Form Submission</h1>
      <p>Form data: {JSON.stringify(formData)}</p>

export const getServerSideProps = async (context) => {
  const { req, res } = context;
  const formData = req.body;

  // Process form data

  return {
    props: {},

Using API Routes

import { NextApiRequest, NextApiResponse } from 'next';

const handleSubmit = async (req: NextApiRequest, res: NextApiResponse) => {
  const formData = req.body;

  // Process form data

  return res.status(201).json({ message: 'Form submitted successfully' });


And that’s it! You’ve successfully mastered using NextJs router to match forms. By following this guide, you should now have a solid understanding of how to set up NextJs router, create a form component, and match the form submission with the router.

Remember to customize your solution to fit your application’s specific needs, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or need further assistance.

Keyword Description
NextJs router A built-in router in NextJs that allows you to navigate between pages.
getStaticProps A method used to pre-render pages at build time.
getServerSideProps A method used to pre-render pages on the server-side.
useRouter A hook that provides access to the router object.

By following this guide, you should now have a solid understanding of how to use NextJs router to match forms. Happy coding!

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “NextJs router to match Forms” with a creative voice and tone:

Frequently Asked Questions

Get the inside scoop on NextJs router and forms – the perfect match made in heaven!

How can I use NextJs router to handle form submissions?

You can use the NextJs router to handle form submissions by using the `useRouter` hook from `next/router`. This hook provides an instance of the router, which can be used to navigate programmatically. For example, you can use `router.push` to navigate to a new URL after a form submission.

Can I use NextJs router to match forms to specific routes?

Yes, you can use NextJs router to match forms to specific routes. You can use the `useRouter` hook to get the current route and then use a switch statement or a conditional statement to determine which form to render based on the current route. For example, if the current route is `/login`, you can render a login form, and if the current route is `/register`, you can render a registration form.

How do I handle form validation with NextJs router?

You can handle form validation with NextJs router by using a library like React Hook Form or Formik, which provides a way to validate form fields and display error messages. When a form is submitted, you can use the `useRouter` hook to navigate to a new URL if the form is valid, or display an error message if the form is invalid.

Can I use NextJs router to create a wizard-like form experience?

Yes, you can use NextJs router to create a wizard-like form experience. You can use the `useRouter` hook to navigate to a new URL after each step of the form is completed, creating a multi-step form experience. For example, you can have a `/step1` route for the first step of the form, a `/step2` route for the second step, and so on.

How do I handle server-side rendering with NextJs router and forms?

To handle server-side rendering with NextJs router and forms, you can use the `getServerSideProps` method to pre-render the form on the server-side. This method allows you to fetch data and render the form on the server-side, which can improve SEO and performance. You can then use the `useRouter` hook to navigate to a new URL after the form is submitted.

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