The Mysterious Case of Setting fillStyle in Matter.JS: Cracking the Code
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The Mysterious Case of Setting fillStyle in Matter.JS: Cracking the Code

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Are you tired of wrestling with the elusive fillStyle property in Matter.JS? Do you find yourself scratching your head, wondering why it works sometimes, but not others? You’re not alone! Setting fillStyle can be a real puzzle, but fear not, dear developer, for we’re about to embark on a thrilling adventure to demystify this enigmatic property.

Understanding fillStyle

Before we dive into the meat of the issue, let’s take a step back and understand what fillStyle is all about. In Matter.JS, fillStyle is a property that determines the fill color of a body. Sounds simple, right? Wrong! The complexity lies in its inconsistent behavior when applied to different body types.

fillStyle for Rectangles

When it comes to rectangles, fillStyle is a breeze to work with. You can set it using the following code:

const rectangleBody = Bodies.rectangle(x, y, width, height, {
  fillStyle: 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 1)'

In this example, the rectangleBody will have a solid red fill color. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy!

fillStyle for Circles

Now, let’s move on to circles. Ah, circles, the culprit behind many a developer’s frustration. Setting fillStyle for circles is where things start to get hairy.

const circleBody =, y, radius, {
  fillStyle: 'rgba(0, 0, 255, 1)'

You’d expect the circleBody to have a solid blue fill color, but, alas, it may not work as intended. Why? Well, that’s the million-dollar question!

The Problem: Inconsistent Behavior

So, what’s causing the inconsistency? It all boils down to how Matter.JS renders bodies. You see, when you create a body, Matter.JS uses a composite of multiple parts to render the shape. These parts are called convex and concave segments.

For rectangles, the rendering process is straightforward, and fillStyle works as expected. However, for circles, the rendering process is more complex, involving multiple convex segments. This is where fillStyle starts to misbehave.

The Solution: Workarounds and Hacks

Don’t worry, dear developer, all is not lost! We’ve got some clever workarounds and hacks to get fillStyle working consistently for all body types.

Rectangle Hack

For circles, try using a rectangle with a very small width and height to approximate a circle. This hack ensures that fillStyle works as expected:

const circleBody = Bodies.rectangle(x, y, 0.1, 0.1, {
  fillStyle: 'rgba(0, 0, 255, 1)'

This approach has its limitations, but it’s a simple and effective solution for small circles.

Grouping Bodies

Another approach is to group multiple bodies together to create a single, complex shape. This method allows you to control the fillStyle of each individual body:

const complexBody = Body.create({
  parts: [, y, radius, {
      fillStyle: 'rgba(0, 0, 255, 1)'
    Bodies.rectangle(x, y, width, height, {
      fillStyle: 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 1)'

In this example, we’re grouping a circle and a rectangle to create a single body with a blue circle and a red rectangle. fillStyle works beautifully in this scenario!

Custom Rendering

For the ultimate control freaks, custom rendering is the way to go. By creating a custom render function, you can dictate exactly how each body is rendered, including its fillStyle:

const engine = Engine.create({
  render: {
    options: {
      wireframes: false,
      showInternalEdges: false
    renderBody: (context, body) => {
      context.fillStyle = body.fillStyle;
      context.arc(body.position.x, body.position.y, body.circleRadius, 0, 2 * Math.PI);

In this example, we’re creating a custom render function that sets the fillStyle of each body based on its own fillStyle property. This approach requires more effort, but it gives you complete control over the rendering process.

Best Practices

To avoid fillStyle woes, follow these best practices:

  • Use rectangles for simple shapes and fillStyle for a straightforward, easy-to-understand rendering process.

  • For complex shapes, group multiple bodies together to control the fillStyle of each individual body.

  • When working with circles, use the rectangle hack or custom rendering to ensure consistent fillStyle behavior.

  • Test, test, test! Verify that your fillStyle is working as expected in different scenarios.


Setting fillStyle in Matter.JS may seem like a mystery, but with the right approaches and workarounds, you can conquer this pesky property. Remember to understand the rendering process, use the rectangle hack or grouping bodies for complex shapes, and employ custom rendering for ultimate control.

By following these guidelines and best practices, you’ll be well on your way to creating stunning, fillStyle-rich graphics with Matter.JS. Happy coding, and may the fillStyle be with you!

Section Description
Understanding fillStyle Explains the basics of fillStyle and its importance in Matter.JS
The Problem Discusses the inconsistent behavior of fillStyle in Matter.JS
The Solution Presents workarounds and hacks to overcome fillStyle issues
Best Practices Provides guidelines for using fillStyle effectively in Matter.JS

Frequently Asked Question

Get the inside scoop on setting fillStyle in Matter.JS and why it’s being a bit finicky!

Why does setting fillStyle work for some bodies in Matter.JS but not others?

This inconsistency is due to the rendering order of the bodies. If a body is not rendered at the time you set its fillStyle, the change won’t take effect. Try setting the fillStyle after the body has been added to the engine, or use the `render.body` property to force the rendering of the body before setting its fillStyle.

How do I know when a body has been rendered in Matter.JS?

You can use the `beforeUpdate` event to check when the body has been rendered. This event is triggered before the engine updates the simulation, which ensures that the body has been rendered at least once. Inside this event, you can set the fillStyle of your body.

Will setting fillStyle work for all types of bodies in Matter.JS?

Unfortunately, no. Some body types, like `Matter.Body.fromVertices`, don’t support fillStyle. You’ll need to use a different approach for these bodies, such as using a custom render function or a sprite.

Can I set fillStyle for a body before adding it to the engine in Matter.JS?

No, you can’t. The fillStyle is only applied during the rendering phase, which happens after the body has been added to the engine. If you try to set fillStyle before adding the body, it will be ignored.

What’s the best way to debug fillStyle issues in Matter.JS?

Use the Matter.JS debugger! It allows you to visualize the bodies and their properties, including fillStyle. You can also use the browser’s dev tools to inspect the body elements and check if the fillStyle is being applied correctly.

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