Tanstack Table V8 – getRowModel() rows and flatRows empty on one site but not empty on another, what is happening?
Image by Joanmarie - hkhazo.biz.id

Tanstack Table V8 – getRowModel() rows and flatRows empty on one site but not empty on another, what is happening?

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Are you using Tanstack Table V8 and encountering a peculiar issue where getRowModel() rows and flatRows are empty on one site but not empty on another? Well, you’re not alone! In this article, we’ll dive into the possible reasons behind this mystery and provide you with clear solutions to get your Tanstack Table V8 up and running smoothly.

What is Tanstack Table V8?

Tanstack Table V8 is a popular React hook-based table library that allows you to build customizable and performant data tables. It provides a simple and intuitive API for managing table data, filtering, sorting, and more. However, as with any complex library, issues can arise, and that’s where we come in!

The Mysterious Case of Empty Rows

Imagine having two identical Tanstack Table V8 implementations on different sites, but with one major difference: on one site, getRowModel() returns an empty rows and flatRows array, while on the other site, it returns the expected data. Frustrating, right?

To get to the bottom of this enigma, let’s explore the possible causes:

  • Row Data Not Being Passed Correctly

    One common culprit is incorrect row data passing. Make sure you’re passing the row data correctly to the useTable hook. Double-check that your row data is an array of objects, and each object represents a row.

    const row_data = [
      { id: 1, name: 'John Doe', age: 25 },
      { id: 2, name: 'Jane Doe', age: 30 },
      // ...
  • Table Configuration Issues

    Another possible reason is incorrect table configuration. Verify that your table configuration is correct, especially the columns and data props.

    const columns = [
      { accessor: 'name', Header: 'Name' },
      { accessor: 'age', Header: 'Age' },
      // ...
    const table = useTable({
      data: row_data,
  • incorrect getRowModel() usage

    getRowModel() returns an object containing the row data and metadata. Ensure you’re using it correctly, especially when accessing the rows and flatRows properties.

    const { getRowModel } = table;
    const rowModel = getRowModel();
    const rows = rowModel.rows; // Should not be empty!
    const flatRows = rowModel.flatRows; // Should not be empty!

Debugging and Troubleshooting

To help you diagnose the issue, let’s go through some debugging steps:

  1. Console Log Everything!

    Start by console logging the row data, table configuration, and getRowModel() output on both sites. This will help you identify any discrepancies.

  2. Verify Table State

    Check the table state by logging the table.state object. This will give you insight into the table’s internal state.

  3. Check for Errors

    Inspect the browser console for any errors or warnings related to Tanstack Table V8. This might give you a hint about what’s going wrong.

Solutions and Workarounds

Based on the debugging steps, you might have identified the issue. Here are some solutions and workarounds to get you back on track:

  • Double-Check Your Data

    Ensure your row data is correctly formatted and passed to the useTable hook. Verify that the data is an array of objects, and each object represents a row.

  • Re-check Your Table Configuration

    Review your table configuration, paying close attention to the columns and data props. Make sure they’re correctly set up and match the expected format.

  • Use the Tanstack Table V8 Debugger

    The Tanstack Table V8 Debugger is a powerful tool that helps you inspect and debug your table implementation. It can reveal issues with your data, configuration, or getRowModel() usage.

    import { useTableDebug } from '@tanstack/react-table';
    const debug = useTableDebug();


In this article, we’ve explored the mysterious case of empty rows and flatRows in Tanstack Table V8. By following the troubleshooting steps and solutions outlined above, you should be able to identify and resolve the issue. Remember to double-check your data, configuration, and getRowModel() usage. If you’re still stuck, don’t hesitate to seek help from the Tanstack community or a professional developer.

Troubleshooting Step Solution/Workaround
Console Log Everything! Identify discrepancies in row data, table configuration, and getRowModel() output
Verify Table State Check table state for any issues or inconsistencies
Check for Errors Inspect browser console for errors or warnings related to Tanstack Table V8
Double-Check Your Data Ensure row data is correctly formatted and passed to the useTable hook
Re-check Your Table Configuration Verify table configuration, especially columns and data props
Use the Tanstack Table V8 Debugger

By following these steps and solutions, you’ll be well on your way to resolving the issue of empty rows and flatRows in Tanstack Table V8. Happy debugging!

Frequently Asked Question

Tanstack Table V8 – getRowModel() rows and flatRows empty on one site but not empty on another, what is happening? Let’s dive into the mysteries of Tanstack Table V8 and unravel the enigma!

Q1: Is the data properly loaded before calling getRowModel()?

A1: Check if the data is properly loaded before calling getRowModel(). Make sure the data is fetched and loaded successfully before attempting to access the rows and flatRows. Verify that the data is available in the state or props before calling the function.

Q2: Are the props and state correctly passed to the getRowModel() function?

A2: Double-check that the props and state are correctly passed to the getRowModel() function. Verify that the function is receiving the correct data and props. Make sure the components are properly connected and the data is being passed correctly.

Q3: Is the getRowModel() function being called within the correct lifecycle method?

A3: Ensure that the getRowModel() function is being called within the correct lifecycle method, such as componentDidUpdate or useEffect. Verify that the function is being called when the data is available and the component is updated.

Q4: Are there any rendering issues or conflicts with other libraries?

A4: Investigate if there are any rendering issues or conflicts with other libraries that might be causing the issue. Check for any console errors or warnings that might indicate a problem. Verify that Tanstack Table V8 is being used correctly and is compatible with other libraries.

Q5: Has the Tanstack Table V8 version been updated recently?

A5: Check if the Tanstack Table V8 version has been updated recently. Verify that you are using the latest version and that there are no breaking changes that might be causing the issue. Review the changelog and documentation to ensure compatibility.