UE5 C++ Build Fails When Creating Character? Oh No! Let’s Troubleshoot!
Image by Joanmarie - hkhazo.biz.id

UE5 C++ Build Fails When Creating Character? Oh No! Let’s Troubleshoot!

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If you’re reading this, chances are you’re frustrated and stuck. You’ve spent hours setting up your Unreal Engine 5 (UE5) project, and now, when you try to create a character, the C++ build fails. Don’t worry, friend, you’re not alone! In this article, we’ll embark on a thrilling adventure to identify and fix the issues causing your UE5 C++ build to fail.

Before We Begin: A Quick Recap

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty, let’s make sure we’re on the same page. Here’s a quick rundown of what we’re assuming:

  • You’re using Unreal Engine 5 (UE5) and have a basic understanding of C++.
  • You’ve created a new UE5 project and enabled C++ support.
  • You’ve created a new character class in the Content Browser and are trying to compile it.
  • The C++ build fails, leaving you with error messages and a puzzled expression.

Step 1: Understand the Error Messages

Error messages can be intimidating, but they’re your best friend when troubleshooting. Let’s break down what you might see:

Error: Failed to compile module 'MyCharacter' (Output: 
error: MyCharacter.generated.h: No such file or directory

This error indicates that the compiler can’t find the `MyCharacter.generated.h` file. This file is generated by UE5 when you create a new class, so something went wrong during the generation process.

Possible Causes:

  • The class name might be invalid or contain special characters.
  • The file path or directory structure might be incorrect.
  • There might be a conflict with another class or file with the same name.

Step 2: Verify Your Class Setup

Let’s review your class setup to ensure everything is correct:

Check Your Class Name:

Open the `MyCharacter.h` file and verify that the class name matches the file name. In this case, the class name should be `MyCharacter`:

#pragma once

#include "CoreMinimal.h"
#include "GameFramework/Character.h"
#include "MyCharacter.generated.h"

class MYGAME_API AMyCharacter : public ACharacter

Verify File Paths and Directory Structure:

Double-check that your `MyCharacter.h` and `MyCharacter.cpp` files are in the correct directory:

-your project folder

Check for Conflicting Files or Classes:

Search your project for any other files or classes with the same name. Rename or remove them to avoid conflicts:

File/Class Name Action
MyCharacter_New.h Rename or remove
MyCharacter_Old.cpp Rename or remove

Step 3: Regenerate the `generated.h` File

Now that we’ve ruled out any issues with your class setup, let’s try regenerating the `generated.h` file:

  1. Open the Unreal Engine 5 Editor and go to the Content Browser.
  2. Right-click on the `MyCharacter` class and select “Recompile” or “Regenerate Include.”
  3. If prompted, choose to overwrite the existing file.

If the regeneration process succeeds, you should see the `MyCharacter.generated.h` file in the same directory as your `MyCharacter.h` file.

Step 4: Clean and Rebuild Your Project

Let’s clean up any residual issues and rebuild your project:

  1. Open the Unreal Engine 5 Editor and go to the Tools menu.
  2. Select “Clean” to remove any temporary files and compilation outputs.
  3. Go to the Build menu and select “Rebuild” to recompile your project.

If the build process succeeds, congratulations! You’ve fixed the issue. If not, we have a few more troubleshooting steps to take.

Additional Troubleshooting Steps

If the above steps didn’t resolve the issue, try the following:

Check for Incorrect Include Paths:

Verify that your include paths are correct in the `MyCharacter.h` file:

#include "CoreMinimal.h"
#include "GameFramework/Character.h"

Make sure these paths match the actual locations of the `CoreMinimal.h` and `Character.h` files in your UE5 installation.

Check for Missing or Corrupted Files:

Verify that all required files, including `CoreMinimal.h` and `Character.h`, exist and are not corrupted.

Check for Plugin Conflicts:

If you’re using any third-party plugins, try disabling them to see if they’re causing conflicts:

  1. Go to the Plugins menu in the Unreal Engine 5 Editor.
  2. Disable any third-party plugins.
  3. Try rebuilding your project.

If the build succeeds after disabling a plugin, you might need to troubleshoot the plugin or seek support from the plugin creator.


That’s it! We’ve covered the most common issues causing UE5 C++ build failures when creating a character. By following these steps, you should be able to identify and fix the problem. Remember to stay calm, take your time, and methodically work through each step. If you’re still stuck, don’t hesitate to reach out to the UE5 community or seek help from a developer forum.

Happy coding, and may your builds be successful!

Frequently Asked Question

Unreal Engine 5 C++ build fails when creating a character? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are the top 5 questions and answers to get you back on track.

Why does my UE5 C++ build fail when creating a new character?

This is likely due to a misconfigured project setup or invalid character template. Double-check your project settings, especially the character template and make sure it’s not corrupted. Try recreating the character from scratch or using a default template to rule out any custom template issues.

What are the common error messages I should look out for when UE5 C++ build fails?

Keep an eye out for errors like “Failed to compile character blueprint”, “Failed to spawn actor”, or “Unrecognized type ‘Character'”. These errors often point to issues with your character blueprint, actor classes, or incorrect dependencies. Check the Output Log and Compile Errors for more detailed information to help you troubleshoot.

How do I troubleshoot a UE5 C++ build failure when creating a character?

First, try deleting the Intermediate and Saved folders in your project directory to force a recompile. Next, disable any unnecessary plugins or modules that might be causing conflicts. If that doesn’t work, try creating a new character blueprint from scratch or using a different template to isolate the issue. Finally, review your project settings, character blueprint, and actor classes for any errors or inconsistencies.

Can I use a custom character template with UE5 C++?

Yes, you can! Custom character templates can be a powerful way to speed up development, but they require careful setup. Make sure to follow the official Unreal Engine documentation guidelines for creating custom character templates. Also, be aware that custom templates might not work seamlessly with all UE5 features, so be prepared to troubleshoot and make adjustments as needed.

How do I optimize my character blueprint for better performance in UE5 C++?

To optimize your character blueprint, focus on reducing the number of components, materials, and blueprint graphs. Use caching and instancing where possible, and consider using Level of Detail (LOD) to improve performance. Additionally, ensure that your character’s physics simulation is properly configured, and consider using a physics-based animation system to reduce computation overhead.