Can’t Change Z-Index with Mantine Popover Component Styles? Here’s the Solution!
Image by Joanmarie -

Can’t Change Z-Index with Mantine Popover Component Styles? Here’s the Solution!

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Are you struggling to change the z-index of your Mantine Popover component? You’re not alone! Many developers have faced this issue, and it’s time to put an end to it. In this article, we’ll dive into the reasons behind this issue and provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to overcome it.

What’s the Problem?

The Mantine Popover component is an excellent tool for creating interactive and informative popovers in your React application. However, when it comes to styling, things can get a bit tricky. One of the most frustrating issues is when you try to change the z-index of the popover, but it simply doesn’t work.

Why Can’t I Change the Z-Index?

The reason behind this issue lies in the way Mantine Popover handles its styles. By default, Mantine Popover uses a combination of CSS-in-JS and emotion to handle its styles. While this approach provides a lot of benefits, it also introduces some limitations when it comes to overriding styles.

In particular, the z-index property is one of the most difficult styles to override, as it’s deeply rooted in the component’s architecture. This means that simply using CSS to change the z-index won’t work, as the component will override your changes.

The Solution: Using the `wrapperProps` Prop

Fear not, dear developer! Mantine Popover provides a solution to this problem through the `wrapperProps` prop. This prop allows you to pass custom props to the wrapper element of the popover, giving you the power to customize its styles.

Here’s an example of how you can use the `wrapperProps` prop to change the z-index of your popover:

import { Popover } from '@mantine/core';

function MyPopover() {
  return (
        style: {
          zIndex: 10,
      {/* Your popover content */}

In this example, we’re using the `wrapperProps` prop to pass a custom `style` object to the wrapper element of the popover. This object contains a single property, `zIndex`, which sets the z-index of the popover to 10.

Using a Custom Class

Another way to change the z-index of your popover is by using a custom class. You can pass a custom class to the `wrapperProps` prop, and then define the z-index in your CSS file.

import { Popover } from '@mantine/core';

function MyPopover() {
  return (
        className: 'custom-popover',
      {/* Your popover content */}

In your CSS file, you can then define the custom class:

.custom-popover {
  z-index: 10;

Additional Tips and Tricks

Here are some additional tips and tricks to keep in mind when working with Mantine Popover and z-index:

  • Use a higher z-index value: If you’re still having trouble getting your popover to display on top of other elements, try increasing the z-index value to a higher number, such as 100 or 1000.
  • Check for other styling issues: Make sure that there aren’t any other styling issues affecting the z-index of your popover. Check for any conflicting styles or CSS rules that might be overriding your changes.
  • Use the `position` prop: If you’re having trouble getting your popover to display in the correct position, try using the `position` prop. This prop allows you to specify the positioning strategy for your popover.


In conclusion, changing the z-index of a Mantine Popover component can be a bit tricky, but it’s definitely possible. By using the `wrapperProps` prop and a custom class, you can easily override the default z-index value and get your popover to display on top of other elements.

Remember to keep in mind the additional tips and tricks we covered, and don’t hesitate to experiment with different solutions until you find the one that works best for your application.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions about changing the z-index of a Mantine Popover component:

Question Answer
Why can’t I change the z-index using CSS? Because Mantine Popover uses a combination of CSS-in-JS and emotion to handle its styles, which overrides any CSS changes you make.
How do I change the z-index of a Mantine Popover? Use the `wrapperProps` prop and pass a custom `style` object or a custom class to change the z-index.
What if I’m still having trouble getting my popover to display on top? Check for any conflicting styles or CSS rules, and try increasing the z-index value to a higher number. Also, make sure to check the `position` prop and adjust it if necessary.

We hope this article has helped you overcome the frustrating issue of changing the z-index of a Mantine Popover component. Happy coding!

Here are the 5 Questions and Answers about “Can’t change Z index with Mantine Pop over component styles”

Frequently Asked Question

Stuck with Mantine Pop over component styles? We’ve got you covered! Here are some common questions and answers to help you overcome the hurdles.

Why can’t I change the z-index of Mantine Pop over component using CSS?

Mantine Pop over component uses a portal to render its content, which is appended to the end of the document body. This means that the z-index of the pop over component is automatically set by Mantine, and you cannot change it directly using CSS. Instead, you can use the `zIndex` prop provided by Mantine to adjust the z-index of the pop over component.

What is the default z-index of Mantine Pop over component?

The default z-index of Mantine Pop over component is 1000. However, this value can be overridden using the `zIndex` prop.

How can I change the z-index of Mantine Pop over component?

You can change the z-index of Mantine Pop over component by using the `zIndex` prop and passing a numerical value. For example, `…` would set the z-index of the pop over component to 2000.

Can I use CSS to change the z-index of Mantine Pop over component?

No, you cannot use CSS to change the z-index of Mantine Pop over component. As mentioned earlier, Mantine automatically sets the z-index of the pop over component, and CSS styles will not override this value. Instead, use the `zIndex` prop provided by Mantine to adjust the z-index of the pop over component.

What if I need to stack multiple Mantine Pop over components on top of each other?

In this case, you can use the `zIndex` prop to adjust the z-index of each pop over component individually. For example, you can set `zIndex={2000}` for the first pop over component, `zIndex={2100}` for the second one, and so on. This will allow you to stack multiple pop over components on top of each other with the desired z-index values.